Some parents abandon their babies and have others raise their kid. After months of pregnancy and after holding their newborn, they decide to give up their child. I’ve been thinking about my work with orphans a lot more since I started fatherhood. When I hold my son close, I can’t imagine giving him up and hoping he goes on to live his life without ever knowing me. I’ve seen this story of abandonment all over the world and it makes me weep to know that millions of kids go through this. I’m sympathetic to how stressful it must be for a poor stressed out factory worker in China to have to care for a new life. I can also imagine the fear of seeing your new baby have a physical handicap and know that it will be a lifelong challenge. Being a father has changed the way I look at orphan care. I believe that the decision to abandon your child is excruciating but millions still do it. I also see how even a perfect orphanage can’t give a baby what they want the most. I know that God has me on a path to understand better how we are all called to find more ways to help solve the global orphan crisis. My heart has changed since I became a father myself.

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I’ve been biking to the gym after my son dozes off for his early nap. The gym has been a refuge from these new stresses and my health means more to me now than ever before. I felt sick two days ago and it was insanely tiring trying to care for a newborn. I also really want to get better at Bodybuilding. I know it’s a bigger challenge to even get on stage but I still feel like I haven’t realized my potential. I always thought that my peak would be when I’m around 36 years old and I want to work towards that goal. I want my family to pursue their calling and I want to lead by example.  I’ve been using the www.GainsinBulk.comAthlete’s Digestive Formula for a year now and I love it as a digestive aid. I used to just take a probiotic but I get a lot less bloating and gas with their formula. If you want to give their products a try use my promo code DavidP10 for 10% off your order! #GainsInBulk #GIB #PNBA #INBA @inbaglobal_official @gainsinbulk #teamusa #bodybuilding #weightloss #fitness #curls #arms #shredding #legs #contestprep #bodybuilding #worldchampionships #inbaglobal #naturalbodybuilding #muscleshow #musclecontest #Worldchampionships #INBA

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I’ve been biking to the gym after my son dozes off for his early nap. The gym has been a refuge from these new stresses and my health means more to me now than ever before. I also really want to get better. I know it’s a bigger challenge to even get on stage but I still feel like I haven’t realized my potential in Bodybuilding. I want my family to pursue their calling and I want to lead by example.

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They told me to sit by myself as they prepared Carmen for surgery. We had been at the hospital for almost 24 hours and her labor wasn’t progressing. The doctor recommended a C Section surgery and we agreed. As I sat in a hallway next to the operating room, I thought about my wife and my unborn son. I had no power to help either of them. This was the biggest moment of our lives and I have no control. I opened my Bible to the Psalms and read. I was looking for comfort and reassurance. This is why I worship Jesus. In the midst of fear and anxiety, I know I’m not alone. I believe in a personal God who cares about this moment right now. He knows the outcome of the surgery and he’s watching over our family. This is just the first struggle for our young family and we are learning that his grace will always be sufficient.

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Thanks everyone for supporting us this year as we got ready for our son’s arrival. We were really blessed to have so many of our family and friends help us with baby stuff, advice and especially those who have increased their support for my work with OMF and Renewal Missions. I am thankful that my book has been well received and I was able to raise enough through donations to cover the two months of unpaid  paternity leave that I will be taking. I know my son will face challenges as he grows up and I hope my stories will help him be unique and brave for Christ. When my parents came to the US, they were poor and trying to start their own business. They weren’t able to spend a lot of time with me when I was a baby. I lived in China for the first few years of my life so my grandparents could take care of me. We are blessed that we have the opportunity to be there for our son. In the next two months, my focus will be on helping Carmen recover from giving birth and making sure that Jeremiah is loved and cared for. It means a lot to me that I will be able to be at home. I want to be a good father for him and I want to make sure that I do my fair share of caring for him. Carmen and I are going to have to learn how to be parents together but it’s a challenge that we want to take on together as a team. Please let me know if you want to visit! We are going to be at home for the next few weeks and we would love to see you! Jeremiah is already growing really fast and might be at his maximum cuteness right now 😇😀

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I preach the Gospel to my newborn son. I’m doing it with my actions because he doesn’t know many words yet. I took 2 months off work to be with him and his mom. I bottle feed him and cuddle him. I am attentive to his needs. I sing and dance with him in my arms. One day I will teach him that Jesus loves him and I hope he will understand what that love feels like. I hope he sees the love of God through my love for him.

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One diaper, two diaper, three diaper Sleeeeep Full bottle, drink bottle, fill bottle Sleeeeep Internet blogger, negative chatter Sleeeeep Baby still alive, sanity still mine Sleeeeep

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Remember Jeremiah the day you went home This is the weakest you will ever be, but you are strong You have no riches but you have all that you need You don’t have any accomplishments but we still think you are special Remember this moment and live for love God is love

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